His Life, and Credibility for his Blog Posts, are describe below:
The Website’s “About” Page attempts to establish the validity that “My Friend” met both, “Triumph and Disaster, and treated those two imposters just the same.”
The listing of specific “successes” are not boasts seeking “atta-boys”. Nor are the declarations of losses, excuses seeking “woe-is-me” pity.
They are testimony to “My Friend’s” diverse experiences, leading to the discovery of the rock-solid, common denominator of Life’s essence, purpose, and function
"Success is not Final. Failure is not fatal." - Churchill. The former, the specious patina of happiness. The latter, a temporary inconvenience.
The purpose of the website “Messages from My Friend” is to "Make even one life breathe easier", by sharing the rich fullness of life’s experiences, regardless of circumstance, to open minds, soften hearts, and touch souls, in order to discover the “True North” of our lives.
The “About” Page establishes the credibility to write the various blog posts about “Family, Relationships, Cultural Issues, Inspirational Experiences, and Joy & Loss", while searching for the “True North”of our Heats & Souls.
My friend was an Industrious Achiever and demonstrated Responsibility & Leadership his entire life.
As a boy, he attended a Catholic grade school. He was selected to train the other altar boys and to be the "Main Server" at All Special Holiday Celebrations. He earned the "Eagle Scout" Award, along with the "Order of the Arrow" (The Highest Camping Award) & "Ad Altare Dei" (The Highest Catholic Boy Scout Award). So, he was selected to be the "Senior Patrol Leader".
In High School, He was Elected Student Council Treasurer, and Selected to be "Mr. Bosco" - The Highest HS Graduation Award, combining "Character, Academics, and Athletics".
As an adult, for four decades, my friend served as a successful management and business development executive with Fortune 500 Companies & Private Entreprenuerial Enterprises for which he was well compensated, along with serving for 2 decades as an Officer & Director for several non profit organizations.
It started when he left Law School (before graduating) at age 23 to create and implement a 70-bed residential care facility for alcoholics. He convinced County Welfare Officials that it was in their best financial interests and their mission as a "social service agency", to replace the expensive and ineffective: arrest/court/jail/rehab/release/arrest/etc. cycle, with a mandatory 6-month supervised stay a "Transitional Care Facility".
The "Transitional Facility"would provide a clean, spacious room, with a private bath, 3 nutritious meals, professional counseling, AA meetings, meetings with probation & parole officers, job training, etc. The end result was a significant savings to the County and the restoration of dignity & productive lives to the previously discarded alcoholics. (For decades, my friend received phone calls from former residents who found jobs, got married, bought houses, and raised families.)
The County provided a generous salary for my friend to manage the Transitional Care Facility. He also owned the building of the care facility. The County paid a Full Months Rent for each man, allowing 2 men per room, which doubled his rental income. The County Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Total with the entire new arrangement, than previously. More importantly, it Restored Dignity to previously Discarded Men.
My friend was able to buy a Mercedes Benz 280 SL , 2-seat convertible, and rent a 6th floor apartment in the Cudahy Tower overlooking Lake Michigan. The "Views", along with the professionally selected furnishings, made the apartment spectacular. The Baby Grand Piano in the corner by the large windows, was beyond phenomenal. All this at age 23.
His success continued with public, private, and entrepreneurial start-up companies:
- H was selected to the management Training Program which led to being a Vice President of the state’s largest bank, he was responsible for Half of All the Branch Bank Business Customers. (His Loan Authority was $500,000 in 1986 - Today's equivalent is $4,000,000)
- A bank Customer chose him to be Vice President of a 4-state regional 200-gas station and C-store operation. He arranged Financing to Purchase a Subsidiary of Chevron and Managed the Marketing of Stations to Dealers. My friend received a 50% increase in salary & 10% Bonus.
- A group of Investors selected him to be President of a 6-state exclusive distributorship of a unique Fuel Additive product. He garnered the approvals from:
- The US EPA to use the fuel additive in "Regular Gasoline" (@ 10 cents a gallon cheaper than "Reformulated Gasoline")
- The use of State Government "Emission Resting Facilities" (For reliable, unbiased 3rd Party Results)
- The use of 3 different Municipalities' different Vehicle Types: Police Cars, School Buses, & DPW Trucks)
This successful achievement of Proving that his fuel additive significantly lowered emissions, while lowering fuel costs 10 cents a gallon, resulted in a Guaranteed 7-Figure Income & an Estimated 8-Figure 10% Bonus, from a Marketing Agreement with a Nationwide Distributor of Fuel Products. With World-Wide Marketing Agreements, with the Major Oil Companies, my friends Annual Income would be in the Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year.
(Read about his "Reversal of Fortune" toward the end of this "About Page")
`Concurrently, for two decades, he served as a board member for non-profit organizations, ranging from an Association of Commerce, a Sales Association, a Country Club and High School. He created & implemented:
- The "Business After Hours" Member Benefit for the Association of Commerce, which substantially increased membership. earning him the "Chairman's Award".
- The Membership Development Plan that resulted in the National Membership Recruitment Award for his local chapter of the Sales & Marketing Executives increase of 127 members & over $60,000 in Dues.
- The Membership Development Plan for his Country Club, raised over $200,000, by raising the Social, Pool, & Tennis membership from 39 to 90 & a waiting list.
- The Fund-Raising Plan for the Local High School raised $50,000 to expand the Stadium Seating for both the Football & Soccer Stadiums.
When married, his family lived in a large, gracious home, in a subdivision with a pool & clubhouse, tennis & basketball courts, T-Ball & Soccer fields, and a lake.
As husband & father, he provided:
- Vacations to 5-star resorts & Disney World Properties every Spring, for 30-years.
- Several tours of Europe with his wife, and then with each different child.
- Decades of Memberships in a Country Club that had a pool & tennis courts, in addition to a separate Racquet Club.
- Tuition towards his four children's College Education.
- A new car for each college graduate, in addition to his own "family cars".
My friend also enjoyed the accolades of athletic achievement.
He won a State Championship for playing #2 doubles on his local State League Tennis Team. He won a "Singles" Tennis Championship by being undefeated in the weekly Racquet Club 4.0 singles matches, over 8 months.
In Golf, he won:
- The Class A Country Club Championship, the year after he was a Finalist.
- The Country Club’s Father/Child tournament 4 times, once with each of his 4 children.
- The prestigious 1st Place Low Gross & Low Net District Father/Son Championship, with his youngest son.
- A half dozen 1st Place Member/Guest Trophies from various country clubs.
- 4 - 1st Place/Low Gross Singles Championships, from local Associations and Nation-Wide Company Golf Tournaments.
The victories & defeats of competition taught my friend many lessons about Joy & loss. Specifically, "It's the person in the arena, muddied & bloodied, whether he/she had won or lost, who is honored. And not that cold, timid soul on the sideline, who has tasted neither victory or defeat." (Teddy Roosevelt)
At the zenith of his success, my friend suffered the slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune. He watched, “The truth he spoken, twisted by knaves, to make a trap for fools. And watched the things he gave his life to, broken. Yet, stoop, and build ‘em up with worn out tools.” (Kipling) Within a few months, he lost all his wealth and income by the nefarious swindle of his Intellectual Property, by third parties and friends.
(The Master Distributor, who held The Product's Patents, deliberately Bankrupted his Master Distributorship, which Voided my friend's Regional Distributorship, and National & Worldwide Marketing Agreements - losing everything.)
Then, he lost his health, becoming permanently disabled in both legs, ending his playing tennis or golf, forever. He was broke. And forced to sell the home that he built decades earlier. He learned, “Vanity. All is Vanity” and took a job as a licensed family counselor. He applied the wisdom of Kipling, Emerson, Shakespeare, The Bible, and his life experiences, to assuage the grief of a lost loved one. And provided a gyroscope to the "True North" of Life, to make other lives breathe easier.
Then, several years later, the Life Insurance Company discovered that ALL 6 of my friends' lapsed insurance policies (Because of lack of Premium Payment) qualified for the "Disability Waiver of Premium". That "Policy Rider" restored ALL of his $800,000 Whole Life Insurance Policies back to the onset of his Permanent Disability, resulting in $500,000 of Cash Surrender Value, $48,000 of Annual Dividends, and $800,000 of Life Insurance Proceeds, without paying a penny of the annual premium.
Because my friend did Nothing to cause his restoration of "Wealth & Income", he attributed His Return to Financial Well-Being, to the "Providence of God".
My friend also learned that “Love” is counter intuitive. It’s not seeking, “What’s in it for me?”, which calcifies the heart. Love is sharing who we are and what we have, asking nothing in return. It's loving one another, as God loves us.
- Love is more about Patience and Acceptance, and less about moonlight & balconies.
- Love has no conditions: It's Not, if you're Rich, or Famous, or Sexy.
- Love surrenders the need to be "Right".
So, I, P. Julian Malison, summarized and synthesized all my friend’s experiences & insights and distilled them into this website. Perhaps, in the quiet stillness of the night, when the mind rests and the heart opens, some of the website's wisdom of my friend’s experiences may assuage anxiety, and point your heart & soul to the "True North".
Then, the rest of your life is spent in the palm of God’s hand.
- Where, “Neither foe nor loving friend can hurt you.”
- Resilient, “Long after your heart and nerve and sinew are gone.
- When "There is nothing in you, except the Will to say, "Hold On’".
All of this is in the Free Web-Site Blog Posts: "Messages from My Friend.”
If any of these blog posts help, tell a friend about: “Messages from My Friend”.
While it costs nothing to read, a story may be priceless.
(Hopefully, my friend didn't die in vain.)