The Meaning of Wishing: “Merry Christmas”
My friend’s Christmas card contained this handwritten message:
Christmas is the echo of Eternity touching Time.
The Incarnation of the Son of God into the body of baby Jesus is the Gift Of Christmas.
The Divine became human, so that humanity could share in the Divine Companionship of Peace, Comfort and Joy.
The above YouTube music video Expresses the Essence of the Gift of the 1st Christmas.
God so loved the world (and especially the men & women, whom He created in His Image and Likeness) that He sent His only Son (The Personification of Divine Love) to become man, (to suffer & die on the Cross to absolve all men & women from all sin) so that all who believe in Him, shall not perish, but have life everlasting.
God’s unilateral, unconditional New Testament Covenant of Love restored the broken relationship between God and men & women.
The first Christmas is the beginning of that wonderful restoration.
- It’s the begging of the re-grafting of broken branches into the life-giving vine.
- It’s the beginning of experiencing the presence of God within us.
- It’s the beginning of the gift of Grace, flowing through one broken vessel to another, serving as the gyroscope for our souls.
All of that happened because a young, Jewish girl trusted God’s messenger, against all Secular sanctions.
The above YouTube music video Expresses The Essence of Mary’s role in the birth of Christ in our lives.
All of that is said & shared, when we wish someone:
“Merry Christmas”.