Other Sources
Books, Poetry, & Websites are part of the Gyroscope of "My Friends" Soul.
Books & Poetry
Kipling - "If"
Emerson - "Success"
The Bible
Patrick Morley - "The Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror"
Bennett - "The Book of Virtues"
C. S. Lewis - "The Quotable Lewis"
The Dahli Lamma & Archbishop Tutu - "The Book of Joy"
Charles Krauthammer - "Things that Matter"
Rick Warren - "The Purpose Driven Life"
Brokaw - "The Greatest Generation"
Andy Andrews - "The Traveler's Gift"
Kimberly Krueger - "The Breakthrough Effect"
Richard Rohr Seminars - "The Letters of St. Paul
McCullough - "1776"
Jeff Bell - "When in Doubt - Make a Belief"
Jobe Martin - "The Evolution of a Creationist"
Lee Strobel - "The Case for a Creationist"
Michael Behe - "Darwin's Black Box"
Atty. Philip Johnson - "Darwin on Trial"
Carl Sagan - "Cosmos"
National Geographic - "Our Universe"
Jacob Borowski - "Ascent of Man"
Christopher Hithchen - "god is not great"
Stephen Meyer - "Signature in the Cell"
Wesley Richards - "The Privileged Planet"
Jay Seegert - "Let There Be Light"
The Websites Below provided my friend with insights & inspiration that shaped his responses to life’s challenges.
Giant Worldwide
"Helping People Become Leaders Worth Following"
FEW - Fellowship of Extraordinary Women
"FEW Publications creates written work that impacts others and glorifies God."
Faith Walkers (River Hills, WI)
"Changing Our World One Man at a Time"
Creation Education Center
"Making Sense of the Creation/Evolution Controversy"
Survivor. Author. Speaker. Advocate.