Response to Mothers Banning Daughters from Watching Classic Disney Films, Like Snow White, Cinderella, etc.
My friend recently learned that some Pop Star mothers were banning their daughters from watching classic Disney movies like: “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, etc. These Pop Star mothers were abhorred that these Disney films promoted sexual assault of women (A prince kissing “Sleeping Beauty”, without her prior permission) or the denigration of women in Cinderella (women as weak & subservient to men, as expressed in the song “Someday My Prince Will Come”)
Those Pop Star sentiments were quickly endorsed by the METOO# Movement. What Nonsense.
My friend wrote to his adult children, to explain to their children (who love those Classic Disney films) the following:
Those Pop Star comments are the CULTURAL opinion of those 2 stars. The MeToo# comments are strictly POLITICAL opinions of some.
Both opinions don’t reflect the “Loving Relationship” between a man & a woman, or between people in general. Some components of a “Loving Relationship” are: Respect and Honor of the “Good” for the other person.
The essence expressed in the above YouTube music video is beyond the imagination of the sick, twisted minds of Pop Culture Women.
The referenced Disney movies are “FANTASY”. They express Love & Respect to the extreme. There’s no hint of assault or disrespect. That’s why generations of people around the world revered those Disney Movies, for decades. They express the Best of what we can be. They are poignant and profound examples for children and adults, alike, to emulate. They helped parents raise children with a moral compass aimed toward truth and beauty. “For as the twig is bent (with respect & honor), so grows the tree.”
Generations of young girls grew up to be women with expectations to be treated with honor and respect, by men. Generations of young boys grew up to be men with the imperative to treat women with honor and respect. Those are the threads in the fabric of a kinder and gentler Culture. Those Disney films made the world a better place.
Only a sick, twisted mind could see sexual assault, where only love and respect exist.
Perhaps, those 2 “Pop Stars” don’t know what Live is?
An Aside:
There is no protection from outside “Social Media” sources of information.
It’s better for parents to teach their children about Truth & Beauty and Love & Respect, then for daughters to fear a future of darkness, suspicion and loathing for men, because of what they read in the “Social Media”, or heard in the school bathroom.
The Disney Classics are stories about Love and Truth and Beauty.
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