“Put a Buck in the Clerk’s Pocket”
Today, the wails of “Depression” are not from the “Homeless”, but from the lives of “Quiet Desperation” who are a “Buck” short & a “day-away” from making it. So, they beg, borrow, and steal hoping that things will change, and get better tomorrow.
My friend realized that increasing the “Minimum Wage” for “Fast Food” clerks was in the palm of his hand. The solution is applying the same principle as “Teaching a Child to be Generous”, (like the article my friend wrote for his Church’s Sunday Bulletin):
In this day and age, teaching a child to be generous is against all odds. The Culture’s gratuitous gravitational force of “What’s in it for me?” is buttressed by the social media’s message of “Selfies”.
The relentless bombardment of “personal tweets” reduces the resolve to be concerned about others, to the rubble of Dresden.
Our Culture is defenseless against the push-pull of Madison Avenue wants and Wall Street’s provision to satisfy them.
My friend taught his son about being generous by teaching him about donating. One way to encourage a child’s generosity is to give the child a dollar at the beginning of the Sunday Service. Letting the child hold the buck in his hand from the beginning of the service makes it his/hers. It’s now his/heir’s buck.
When he collection basket comes around, let him/her watch you put your money into the basket, then let him/her put the dollar into the basket. Do that every Sunday, from the age of 5, and never stop, even into adulthood.
A few months ago, my friend left his wallet in the car. His 32-year old son happened to join him for the Sunday Church Service. When the collection basket .was a few pews away, my friend realized that he didn’t have his wallet He left it in the car. He felt a tug on his arm. His son handed him a buck. Their eyes met. Nothing was said.
They both smiled when my friend dropped the buck into the basket.
The above YouTube music video lyrics expresses the essence of this blog post message.
Likewise, simply giving a “Fast Food” clerk a “Buck in the Pocket” (a $1 tip) every trip through a “Fast Food” drive-thru, will be raising the “Minimum Wage” of that person. If only 6 persons did that an hour, that clerk would be “Earning a Living Wage”. Start raising the minimum wage today. It will make one life breathe easier.
Putting a “Buck in the Clerk’s Pocket”, like putting a “Buck in the Basket”, is an act of Love. It’s a functional example of “Paying kindness forward, asking nothing in return”.
To make the sun come up tomorrow in someone’s Life, put a “Buck in a Clerk’s Pocket”, Today…it’s Priceless.
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