What is the Basis of “Social Justice”?
My friend recalled when he was an Instructor of “Religious Education” for Public High School Sophomore Students, at his church. The topic for the entire year was: “Practicing Social Justice”.
On the 1st class night, after the 14 students introduced themselves, my friend introduced “Social Justice” as creating equal opportunity & fair treatment for all. Then he asked, “Before we open our workbooks, why would we want to treat everyone fairly?”
The Above YouTube Music Videos captures the Essence of this Blog Post Message
He looked directly at the student in front of him and asked, “Why would you care if Bob, next to you, were treated fairly, or given equal opportunity? What’s your motivation?” A Blank Stare. So, he asked Bob, “Why would you care if Jenny, next to you, were treated fairly? What’s your motivation?” Another Blank Stare. My friend then looked at the other dozen students, and said, “Rather than ask each of you individually, does anyone know why they would care If a friend, or more importantly, a stranger, were treated fairly?”
One brave student meekly replied with a question, “Because it is the right thing to do?” Good answer, but “Why is it the right thing to do?” A very quiet room full of Blank Stares. Let’s consider some options:
Because it is Politically Correct? While that is a popular answer, it is a fragile, transient answer. It’s subject to change, whichever way the winds of the majority’s whims are blowing. There is no Universal, Timeless Foundation to Political Correctness.
Because it is Ideologically Progressive to help people in need? That is certainly a noble intent, but doesn’t address WHY we would want to do that. In Fact, that intent is in direct opposition to what you learn in school about “Evolution”:
- “The Evolution of living things originated in a “Pool of Common Ancestry”, separated by Random Chance through Time, and formed by the Natural Selection of the Survival of the Fittest.”
- The “Survival of the Fittest” doesn’t care about the weak or needy of its species. It only cares about its own “Survival”.
So, that Progressive Ideology is contrary to Our Basic Nature of Self-Interest, which is subject to Change, by Random Chance
The above YouTube music video expresses the essence that we are all God’s Children, Members of the Body of Christ.
The Universal, Timeless, Rock-Solid Foundation of “Social Justice” is found in The Sanctuary of our Soul.
- We were “Created in the Image & Likeness of God, to be “Children of God, & Heirs to Heaven.
- And “God so loved the world, that He sent his only Son (Jesus Christ to die for our sins) so that all who believe in Him, shall not perish, but have Eternal Life,”
- And Christ said, “I give you One Command: To love God, and to love each other, as I (Christ) have loved you,”
- Then the Basis to Treat Everyone Fairly, with equal Opportunity & Justice, is because you were Created to Love one another, as Christ has loved you. (You don’t have a soul. You Are a Soul. You have a body. – C. S. Lewis)
The Above YouTube Music Video Captures the Expression of the Blog Post Messages Above
BTW: You may consider caring about some else a “Sacrifice”. The word “Sacrifice” does Not mean “Loss”. The word “Sacrifice” comes from 2 Latin words: Sacri Faciam” – “To make Holy”. Sacrifice is Holy. Sacrifice is also an Act of Love.
Now. Open your workbooks.
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