“Linking” the Opposing Forces of Time & Matter, and Eternity & Spirit
My friend was pondering the paradoxical, opposing forces of Humanity living in a world subject to the constraints of Time & Matter, while God lives as an Eternal Spirit. The analogy of different dimensions helped to understand the distinctions: Imagine if you lived in a world of Only 2 Dimensions: Length & Width, NO Height or Thickness.
Then imagine how you would describe an “Apple” passing through your 2-Dimensional World:
You would say, “An apple is 4-dots, then a series of expanding & contracting concentric circles, ending with a single dot.” Your description would be accurate, given the limitations of your 2-Dimensional World. But your description would be nowhere near capturing the actual essence of an apple.
Likewise, the same difficulty exists trying to understand Eternity (the constant present, with no beginning or end) from the perspective of the linear Time-Continuum constraint of intervals, from a beginning forward.
For example, imagine that Time is represented by a “line” written horizontally across a page from left to right: At the far left-side of the line is 1900. At the far right-side of the line is 2000. Then 9 vertical lines, equidistant from each other are between 1900 and 2000. They are marked as 1910, 1920 ,1930, and so on. That horizontal “Tine-Line” now represents the 10 decades between 1900 and 2000.
Eternity has no beginning, nor end. There is NO horizontal line progressing from one date to another date. There is just a constant NOW, an Eternal PRESENT, with NO Past, NOR any Future. We would have to turn that Horizontal Time- Line 90 degrees, which would be just a DOT, to represent the constant present. That’s hard for our limitation of only knowing “Time”, to imagine
The same problem exists understanding the distinction between Matter & Spirit. Our body, and everything around it, is a collection of physical atoms. Our body and every thing else can be measured and described by the various arrangements of these basic atoms. In fact, the 7 Billion people on earth have 7 Billion different arrangements of the DNA molecules. Every thing else has their own specific identifying arrangement of atoms.
Conversely, C. S. Lewis observed, “We don’t have a soul. We are a Soul. We have a body.” Furthermore, the Bible states, “We are made in the Image & Likeness of God.” God is a Spirit. A Soul / Spirit has No Atoms. A Soul / Spirit can’t be measured. Can’t even be seen. So, we assign anthropomorphic attributes to describe and understand God, a Spirit. The extension of the finite mind to comprehend an Infinite Spirit, God, is as futile as the limited 2-dimensional world trying to understand an apple.
All of our analogies fall pathetically short. All of our insightful extrapolations are wildly wide of their mark. However, somehow, somewhere inside of each of us is an awareness of a Power Greater than ourselves. So. there is a yearning from the Sanctuary of our soul within us to connect with the Spiritual Being that created us. (“As the deer pants for the flowing stream, so our soul thirsts for the Living God”)
The above YouTube music video is a tribute to the Creator of All Things
Grace is a gift from God that connects His creation of humanity to the bosom of God (Please forgive the anthropomorphic reference). That connection requires Faith. There is no scale, no yardstick, no microscope that can measure or see our soul or the Spirit of God. There is no algorithm or logical explanation to understand God, and His relation to humanity.
In the quiet stillness of the night, when the mind rests and the heart opens, you may hear God’s small voice say, “Let not your heart be troubled, for I am with you always. I sent My Son to die for your sins. Just believe in Me.” And you will rest in the palm of My hand. Now & forever.
That connection is an experience. It doesn’t come from keeping commandments, doing good deeds, or knowing Scriptural verses. The connection of the Sanctuary of our soul with God is a Relationship built upon:
- humility of creature to Creator,
- gratitude of sinner to savior,
- obedience of servant to Master,
- and trust that God is sovereign over all things.
This life-long relationship journey has many twists & turns requiring repentance, “To create in me a new clean heart.” Grace serves as the “Gyroscope for our Soul” – seeking the companionship of God.
Above YouTube Video Captures the Essence of this Blog Post Message
The inspired Psalmist writes, “As the deer pants for the flowing stream, so our our soul thirsts for the Living God.”
The solution to the Cosmic Mystery of “Linking” the Finite & the Infinite, of “Linking” the Material & the Spirit is to open your mind, soften your heart, and allow your soul to EXPERIENCE the presence of the Companionship of God within you: It’s a Phenomenal Experience of “Peace & Joy”. That’s the Gift of God’s Grace.
You don’t have TO DO ANYTHING. Just “Empty” yourself of Current Concerns, Past Regrets, and Future Worries. Just “BE” in a “State of Acceptance”. And the Sanctuary of your Soul will be awash with “Peace & Joy. Guaranteed.
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