My friend saw the movie ”Gosnell”. He said that it’s not about the abortion debate; not about political persuasion; not about religious beliefs; not about philosophical ideologies. It’s about evil. Pure evil. Specifically, the movie “Gosnell” is about Dr. Gosnell’s depraved indifference toward human life.
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The movie didn’t dwell on the debate about the life of a fetus in the womb. It focused on the ruthless, brutal murder of a healthy human life of a fully functional person. The movie didn’t grapple with the moral issue of the value of a deformed person doomed to a life of pain & suffering. It focused on a vibrant, living “canvas”, upon whom, endless expressions of human possibilities, could have been portrayed, in a variety of spectacular hues. Except, that Dr. Gosnell willfully severed its spinal cord with a scissors. That’s Not akin to pruning a shrub will continue to live, and blossom. It’s the depraved indifference of man’s inhumanity to man.
Dr. Gosnell was convicted by a jury of his peers of 3 counts of premeditated 1st degree murder. The actual number of beautiful, healthy, defenseless, innocent people murdered by Dr. Gosnell, in cold blood, is in the hundreds, possibly thousands, over a 30-year killing spree. Ironically, Dr. Gosnell pleaded guilty to premeditated, 1st degree murder, to avoid the “Death Penalty”.
Only slightly less heinous than Dr. Gosnell’s depraved indifference for human life (He often fed his turtles between executions) was the cultural indifference of his enablers, who condoned and supported Gosnell’s killing spree:
Like the workers at the clinic, who witnessed bloody surgical instruments lying on top of filthy tables, before being used again by Dr. Gosnell for another “procedure”;
Like a worker who witnessed a recently born, healthy baby, swimming helplessly in a toilet bowl, before Dr. Gosnell got around to cutting her spinal cord;
Like the “Health Inspector” who made only one visit to his clinic in a decade, despite dozens of Client Complaints, and didn’t even issue a “warning”, because she didn’t want to limit abortion options.
Like the District Attorney and Judges, who wouldn’t even investigate or adjudicate cases with empirical evidence of wrongful death well beyond the limits of Laws and Statutes, because it might be construed as a politically unpopular, anti-abortion case.
Like the News Media, that refused to report irrefutable facts about Dr. Gosnell’s heinous activities from numerous, identifiable sources, because they weren’t congruent to the paper’s Editorial position.
None of the referenced murders were abortions, or related to abortion procedures.
They were all Guilty of Gosnell’s disregard for Laws, common decency, or respect for human life. Were it not for the courage of 2 cops, 1 Asst. District Attorney, 2 witnesses, and 1 reporter, Dr. Gosnell would still be killing today.
The dramatic contrast between Dr Gosnell and Jesus Christ should give us pause: Dr. Gosnell lived to kill the innocent. Christ died to save the guilty, and give them life. That’s the distinction with a difference between Hate and Love, Death and Life. Somehow, some segments of our culture fail to see the distinction between the two.
Perhaps, we should pause & ponder the juxtaposition of the lives of “Gosnell” and Christ. It’s not about Abortion, Politics, Religion, or Ideology. It’s much bigger than that. It’s about Life and Death.
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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing.’ – Edmund Burke
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